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Call for Applications: UNESCO Youth Essay Contest 2023




Applications are now open for the 2023 UNESCO Youth Essay Contest. Here’s how to apply:

Application Deadline: January 20, 2023

UNESCO remains committed to meaningful youth engagement, with youth embraced by the Organization as both beneficiaries and key partners in co-shaping and co-delivery its mandate to build peace in the minds of women and men. This call for Essays reaffirms the importance of youth voices and agency, and reiterates the value UNESCO attaches to Youth-led knowledge production.


Guidelines for Participants


Eligibility: Be a young researchers or young experts aged between 18 – 35, and a national from any of the 13 Member States covered by the UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa (Comoros, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Tanzania, Somalia, South Sudan and Uganda).

Language: The essay can be submitted in English or French

Novelty/Innovation: Essays must be original, innovative and unpublished. Already published works as well as plagiarized entries will be disqualified. If you use quotations, please include the reference at the bottom of the essay (references are not included in the word count).

Style and Format: The essay may be in academic, literary, dissertation style, and must be typed and contain a title. It should be submitted in PDF or MS Font: Arial; Font Size: 12; Line and Paragraph spacing: 1.5, Word Count: 1500 – 2500 words maximum

Copyrights: Participants are invited to transfer copyright of the contested essays to the organizer (UNESCO), through signing of an Authorization Form that MUST be

submitted alongside the Essay. This will allow relevant use as well as publication of selected pieces.


The best three (03) essays: A round trip from home country to participate in the UNESCO Regional Launch event in Nairobi, Kenya, including accommodation; a UNESCO Certificate; opportunity to make a presentation of the essay during a dedicated session of the Launch event; publication of the Essay on the UNESCO Website; Hard copy of UNESCO publications “We Need to Talk: Measuring lntercultural Dialogue for Peace and Inclusion” (2022).

From the 4th to 20th best Essays: A UNESCO Certificate of participation; Opportunity to participate online and contribute to the event; publication of the Essay on the UNESCO Website.

For More Information:

Apply Here


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