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Mountain Future Award 2024 | $5,000 Seed funding

Applications are now open for the 2024 Mountain Future Award. The world’s mountain regions are currently facing major global challenges, including food insecurity, climate change, and biodiversity loss, as well as a lack of access to services, gender inequalities, poverty, and outmigration.

However, we are also in a time of opportunity. A new generation of youth is working on innovative solutions and new strategies to strengthen mountain communities and protect mountain environments.

In honor of International Mountain Day 2024, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) invites institutions and individuals over the age of 18 to submit proposals for transformative projects that contribute to a sustainable future for mountains, with the chance to win the 2024 Mountain Future Award.

Project submissions should emphasize the following areas:

  • Innovation – Innovation should be a key aspect of the project proposal. This could encompass technological (including digital), social, policy, financial, and/or institutional innovations that address complex social, economic and environmental challenges in mountains.
  • Adaptation – Project proposals should promote climate adaptation. This could include adaptation strategies tailored to mountain ecosystems and communities, resilient agrifood systems, climate smart agriculture, ecosystem-based approaches to natural resource management, the integration of Indigenous knowledge systems or traditional techniques, and the promotion of circular economy.
  • Youth – The active, meaningful participation of youth in decision-making is essential for ensuring the long-term sustainability of mountain solutions. Project proposals should emphasize youth leadership, such as being youth-led and/or youth-focused, promoting universal and accessible training for young persons in mountains, and empowering young people to be agents of change through digital technology, research and entrepreneurship opportunities that contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of mountain resources.


  • Along with international recognition, the three awardees will each receive seed funding of USD $5,000, generously provided by the following sponsors: the Arjun Gupta Family Foundation, Forte di Bard, and Polo Museale – Sapienza University of Rome. The winning proposals will also receive project incubation assistance from the FAO Mountain Partnership Secretariat.


  • Applicants may be individuals or institutions.
  • Applicants must be the original creators of the original project proposal they submit.
  • Eligible proposals can include those for new projects and projects in the initial planning stages. Projects that are already being implemented are not eligible for the Award.

Selection Criteria

Project proposals will be assessed by an expert jury on the following criteria:

  • Impact on mountain communities through promoting climate adaptation, conserving mountain biodiversity and ecosystems and/or enhancing food security and/or reducing disaster risk.
  • Innovative aspects of the project, level of innovation, including technological (including digital), social, policy, financial, and/or institutional innovation, application and feasibility of the innovative aspects.
  • Involvement of youth to contribute to a sustainable future in mountain areas.


The closing date for submissions is October 30, 2024. You can submit your project proposal in English, Spanish or French via the online form.

Apply here

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